The Jewish Household

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Our Sages teach: "The rich man is he who is content with his portion."
  • The Saga of Twelve Months
    Is there any way to Kosher an expensive china set? is there any chance to eat during Pesach food that was cooked in a pot that was used once for Chametz?
  • How Can I Improve My Spouse?
    My husband comes from an anti-religious family, and it took me a long time to help him overcome the obstacles and agree to build a traditional home. Unfortunately, I have still not been able to convince him to wear tefillin. Do you have an idea how I can help him to want to do so?
  • Is Circumcision Mutilation
    Prince Charles and before him the sons of George V - Edward VIII (later the duke of Windsor), George VI, Henry, duke of Gloucester; George, duke of Kent; and Prince John, were all circumcised. In fact, circumcision was widely performed on British middle - and upper-class male infants from the 1890s through the 1940s. Things have changed a bit since then: In 2010, activists against infant circumcision began an initiative to ban all non-medically necessary circumcisions of minors calling it mutilation. Why do Jews circumcize their sons?
  • An Intimate Conversation
    Is there any problem with having an intimate conversation with a woman who isn't your wife? Does it harm the connection with one's wife? Based on an article by rabbi Yoni Lavi.
  • The Cheese Factory
    It is a common custom to have special milchig meals in honor Shavuos; thus, I am sharing with you an article on the halachic issue of gevinas akum.
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